Dedicated to the DEA, USCG, USBP, and various US armed services members who supported our Latin American neighbors during Operation Snowcap, our Drug War, 1986-1994.

This blog is intended to shed light on a rather obscure program within DEA, that ran from 1986 through 1994. Although bemoaned by most of the top brass for several reasons, we the minions thoroughly enjoyed participating in helping our counterpart brethren in Latin America take the 'Drug War' fight straight to the source. Thousands of kilos of cocaine were seized, hundreds of traffickers arrested, countless laboratories destroyed, and enumerable airplanes taken in this attack on the very infrastructure of the drug trade on its home turf.

'Inside DEA Operation Snowcap'

The book relates the story of this era, as portrayed through many of the videos below, and is available from Amazon (above) and elsewhere

The videos

There are now eighteen videos for your viewing below, all linked through 'You Tube,' please check back as more will be posted as they become available

The blog

Anecdotal commentary on the current videos provided through this blog

Please join us through the book, videos and blog for a departure from the 'comfort zone' on this adventure (from the relative safety of your armchair).

Bob Hartman

Bob Hartman

Your host

Welcome! I’m a retired DEA agent and ten tour Snowcap veteran with service in Bolivia, Peru, Paraguay, and Colombia


Let us hear from you, below or

An Updated Video Guide

In the seven years Operation Snowcap actively deployed we lost six agents, all killed in plane crashes. Snowcap would also serve as the predecessor and model for DEA’s ‘FAST’ teams (Foreign-deployed Advisory and Support Teams), Read more…